Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Asian Catholic Initiative online. We hope our website highlights our wide variety of worship, fellowship, and service opportunities available to you. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Most first-generation Asian Catholics here in the United States are immigrants. They have brought with them the rich Catholic traditions and practices that make worship a profound and enriching way of life. Every group has its unique joyful, reverent, and prayerful celebration of the Eucharist, which reflects God’s saving love. They promote strong ministries and enrich every aspect of parish life.
The Catholic Asian population includes immigrants and refugees from Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
The Asian Catholic Initiative (ACI) Office is newly established under the Department of Parish Life and Formation by Archbishop Blase Cupich. Its purpose is to provide outreach and networking that is easily accessible to Asian Catholics.
As a link to the archdiocese, ACI provides facilitation of information between the archdiocese and parishes or individuals. Upon invitation, on-site attendance at meetings or important events are welcome by the director or coordinator. An integral part of ACI is the Board of Advisors which will periodically meet with the Archbishop. Board membership is comprised of priests, deacons, religious, and laity representing the various Asian communities.
Our Mission
The Asian Catholic Initiative (ACI) aims to serve as a network and support for the Asian American community in the Archdiocese of Chicago. The ACI seeks to continually foster and reinforce the Catholic heritage in a multi-cultural Church through the promotion and sharing of various, unique Asian cultural traditions. It represents, informs, and works with the Office of the Archbishop, to identify and respond to the needs of the Asian American community. Finally, the ACI promotes and forwards the Church’s teachings and mission by serving Christ in faith, love, and charity.